Between big business and our leaders in Washington, our manufacturing and many other industries are overseas now. We don’t have control of the quality of our food, medicine and the many other products made overseas. Here is just a list of products we have had bad problems with. Dog food, heparin, tooth paste and toys. to top it off these countries are all growing economically,they are driving cars, trucks and motorcycles. So, now these countries are all using oil,which has the cost of oil and the demand for this product sky rocketing. In turn we have the cost of everything sky rocketing. The metal roof I put on my house went up 8.57% in six mouths,the cost of groceries is up 6 to 12% (per news on the TV.) Am I going to get a 6 – 9% raise in my social security? What are the people in Washington D.C. doing to help the workers, who are the back bone of this nation?
When you go to the grocery store do you ever compare the price of two small cans to one large can? I find one large can can cost up to 40 cents more than two small ones and the large can will be one or two ounces less than two small cans. Is this true of boxed items like cereal, pasta, soap, rice or what ever? All I can say is shopper beware check and compare. Why are the large size cans of tomato sauce, tuna and many others more money than the smaller size. (the next time you go to the super market compare the cost of two small cans to a large can. Tuna and tomato sauce are the ones that I found the other day.)